About Us
The Copps Reached their Dream, and Now They are Paying It Forward!
The copp Family
The dream of a wheelchair accessible home was a passion for the Copp Family, which they made great sacrifices to achieve.
In their previous home, just getting inside the door was dangerous, and hard on the parents having to lift the wheelchairs over the threshold. Once inside, the boys, Calan and Lawson, could only access 40% of the house, which was essentially two rooms. Not being able to enter key spaces, such as the bathroom or kitchen, made the boys very dependent. It was a battle helping the boys wash their hands and carrying them to the places they couldn’t reach on their own. All of this made day-to-day life extremely difficult.
The Copp parents wanted their boys to know a life of independence and confidence, which would be vital for their health and development.
Knowing an accessible home is essential, the Copps took a leap of faith and sold their previous home, moving into a small two-bedroom apartment, while they worked and struggled to find ways to raise enough funds to purchase and renovate a home to meet their needs. Many fundraising efforts were conducted, trying to generate the amount needed to achieve this dream. At times it felt hopeless, but the indomitable spirits of Melissa and Jody allowed them to reach a pinnacle of success, with their new home serving as a model of the accessibility everyone deserves.
(Read more details of their journey in The Triumph Book: RAISING WHEELS).

Coming Fall 2019

The Triumph Book: Raising Wheels
Learn how the Copp Family achieved their dream of an accessible home along with many other inspiring stories!
Accessiblity for Everyone
How It All Started
A Chance Meeting at an All Abilities Expo in Houston, Texas with Triumph Press Publisher, Melanie Davis

During this struggle, Melanie Davis, founder of Triumph Press and author of The Triumph Book Series, met the Copp Family at an All Abilities Expo in Houston, Texas in August 2016, where Melanie was promoting a book she had published, The Funding Guide for Children with Disabilities. (The ebook version is available as a free download at this link.) Melanie was at the expo providing complimentary coaching on developing fundraising plans for the accessible technology people needed for themselves or their children.
After meeting the Copps, Melanie loved the family and wanted to be personally involved in the planning of a large fundraising event, The Giving Trees Festival, held in Waco TX December 2016. Following the event, Melanie invited Melissa Copp to co-author the third book in The Triumph Book Series, RAISING WHEELS, which would be used to further raise funds for their home while raising awareness of the need for accessibility by sharing inspiring stories of people living life on wheels.
With the Copps being chosen as the recipients of Tim Tebow’s and the Gaines’s renovation gift on the Jan 30th, 2018 episode of Fixer Upper, Melanie and the Copps have been given the opportunity to turn their efforts towards helping others achieve their accessible dreams and developing what they hope will become a landmark movement for accessibility everywhere.

Jody photo bombs Melanie sitting in front of the iconic office window designed by Joanna Gaines.
we Can - we will
get involved today!
With their accessible home dreams now a publicly celebrated achievement, the Copp Family is positioned to change the fabric of our society to better understand the need for accessibility and to show that accessibility should be for EVERYONE, no matter your abilities.
The plans for a marketing campaign, book, and foundation under the title of RAISING WHEELS ™ began long before the Copp’s were selected to be on Fixer Upper. Their book, which is the third volume in the bestselling Triumph Book Series, will be released Spring 2019, and The Raising Wheels ™ Foundation has already been formed.
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Improving Accessibility
Everywhere for Everyone
P.O. Box 23234
Waco, TX 76702