Tiffany & Barry Elkins
Tiffany and Barry Elkins, live in Texas where they are raising their children, Collin (17), Cade (15) and Molly Kate (5). Molly Kate has a brain condition called cerebellar hypoplasia which affects her balance as well as her ability to speak, walk and coordinate her movements. In between therapy and medical appointments for Molly Kate, Tiffany, a former teacher, works part-time at a law firm, and Barry is a coach at a local university. Tiffany also spends time at her sons’ school activities, her husband’s games and is involved with the special needs ministry at their local church. Every day is an adventure for the Elkins family as they raise their Princess on Wheels!
Improving Accessibility
Everywhere for Everyone
P.O. Box 23234
Waco, TX 76702